Friday, September 20, 2013

Fiona's Day Outfit

Greetings all!  Mr. Cryk and I have decided to take to the AEther web to share what we are up to.  This could take shape as projects, stories of our adventures, costuming or other random thoughts.  For the inaugural post I would share with you something that has been three years in the making.  My first Steampunk costume,  day outfit for Fiona, Monster Hunter.  It's subtle in the 'punk and semi-historical but I think it's going to be a great canvas to work off of and it is pretty comfortable to boot.  My thanks to Mr. Cryk for working his magic with the image capturing apparatus and the Maxwell's for letting us invade their orchard and the use of their dog, Lucy.   Thoughts and comments are welcomed.  Enjoy. - Ms. Fiona Donovan

It was a lovely day for apples!  A nice repose before the business of monster hunting. 

Sometimes one has to enlist the help of others...whether they want to help or not. ;)

Getting ready to take you see what's looming behind?

Relaxing and taking notes with the help of Lucy.