Sunday, May 18, 2014

DemiCon 25 A Silver Celebration

Oh dear me, it does appear that quite a bit of time has flown by since my last entry, how embarrassing.  Though to be fair, a lot of life has transpired in the seemingly short months.  Months filled with creativity, travel and some family sadness.  In a sore need to break from reality Mr. Cryk and I headed to Des Moines in the merry month of May.  DemiCon celebrated 25 years of science fiction fandom in a proper grand fashion.  Steampunk was the order of the weekend and several stunning costumes inhabited the contests, hallways, and masquerade.  Not only did we use the DemiCon weekend to decompress from life's adventures, but we celebrated 8 years of wedded bliss.  All in all DemiCon was a great getaway as well as a means to meet up with old friends and meet new ones.

Some of the cutest heroes out there. 

Captain Jack, the Steampunk stylin' cat, was very docile.  Which surprised me quite a bit with all the activity.  When I first saw the stroller and peeked in, I expected to see a baby. ;)

More Steampunk!  Very nicely done.

One of the fun things DemiCon had planned, was a group photo of all those in Dr. Who costumes to help celebrate the good Dr.'s 50th year on t.v. as well as the 40th year on Iowa Public Television.  Of course we had to participate.  For my part, I spent about a month and a half crocheting Tom Baker scarves for myself and the hubs and I learned a lesson about the differences between crochet and knitting.  That being, there is not a 1:1 translation from one to the other.  This is also a big, Duh!, moment as well.  I was shooting for them to be around 15 feet and they were closer to 20, stretching from the arm of the recliner in the living room into the bedroom.  Now this is either a testament to the size of our house or the scarves, I'm not sure which. :)  I am really pleased with the way they turned out.

This brings us the other item in the picture, K-9!  This was my husband's creation, so I should probably let him talk about it but I absolutely love how it turned out!  The project totally took over the living room for awhile and I now wonder what we will do with him, but he was a hit at the photo shoot as others got to have a photo op with him.

So who do you think would win this encounter?

Is there a Dr. in the house?  
I'm really glad that things didn't go all wibbly wobbly on us with all those Timelords in one spot.

It was a nice gathering of Whovians in one spot.  
Thanks to all the photographers, participants, and fans that joined in on the fun.  
Hopefully the next DemiCon will also have opportunities for Mass Photos of favored shows.

Saturday night was a fun, but long, night for me.  I entered my first Masquerade and although I took no prize home, the experience was its own prize. I had a blast.  I got to see a lot of awesome costumes up close and met many kind and supportive individuals in the green room.  Bit of trivia, a record was this year with 28 entries, well over the six from last year and I was happy to be apart of it.  My costume was an interpretation of "Walkies for Ott", artwork by Brian Kesinger.  I fell in love with Otto and Victoria the first time I saw the artwork, it is so charming!  The parasol has been highlighted in a previous entry, the dress is a reworked Medieval dress from my days in the SCA and the coat was a new piece made for the weekend.  It was a bit of a challenge finding all of that teal, but I'm glad that it worked and I can focus on something else now.

Sunday I took part in the Brass Gears Adventurers Society induction of new full members.  Mr. Cryk and I have spent the last year getting to know this fine group of adventurers and I am honored to numbered with them.  It was a nice ceremony, filled with  pomp, silliness and some touching moments as well.

Well Mr. Cryk is getting into mischief elsewhere, so no doubt I should go bail him out of it.
Until we meet again.  Fiona

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