Sunday, June 15, 2014

Great Garden Gentleman Gophers!

Greetings and Salutations dearest readers.  I wish to bring to your attention a creature which you may never have been educated about.  "Vampiric Yard Animals".  Souless and Pale creatures with large teeth and lifeless eyes.  But, dear reader, let not your soul be troubled, it is a curable matter.  Let me explain . . .  

After a few hard seasons in the sun, yard art suffers from becoming vampiric.  Yes, Souless and Pale.  Examples of a gopher found in our garden.  By no means is it proper for a pair of Monster Hunters to have vampiric gophers.  Thus the need to find a cure was a matter of utmost importance.

With just a few common items from around the household a plan was conceived.  In this case the following ingredients served us well.

Pull from a canned beverage
Metal lid from a cat food tin
Broken pull chain
Ring from a bottled beverage
Pair of faucet caps

Using a bit of Epoxy, all the bits are affixed to raise the status of common gopher to proper gentle gopher.  A top hat, and monocle.  Slap on a bit of paint, using a solid brown, then washing with black, and highlighting with light brown.  Eyes, nose and claws a solid black, then dry brush a bit of copper to add some flair.  White teeth, and presto chango. Vampirism is cured.

A right proper gentleman gopher for a pair of Steapunk Monster Hunters.

Do add a bit of non-yellowing clear coat to insure that the animal does not 
revert to vampiric ways, and to grant you many more seasons of enjoyment.

Till Next our Paths Cross,

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